Elena Chen, a senior tennis team member, the reporter.
Wed. April. 24. 2019
Are you thinking about volleyball when you spot the word volley?
Na, did you know that these three technical terms belongs to tennis?
Yes, No, Maybe? Well, that’s okay, as a tennis lover, I like to watch the advanced, direct the amateurs, and introduce to the newbies. And let me tell you, tennis is considered as one of the best sports because it is truly a mind and body coordination.
Today, the Oakville Trafalgar tennis team will finally hold an hour long practice at the Ardleigh Park tennis court along Maple Grove Dr. towards Lakeshore. Out of the 5 schedule practice, only 1 happened as planned. Why?
The rain loves us this year.
However, that only one was a quality one. Everyone had their eyes focused on the ball, racket up in front of us, and put our weight on the soles as a perfect ready position. Our members are not only passion and achieving for tennis, but for most of their other activities too. Nonetheless, I’d like to give tennis the credit of making us this capable, because in the meantime a player run, shuffle, and crossover to reach for the ball, they are also creating a storm in their mind of the strategy to win. There are a thousand ways for the ball to land, but we have to consider our physical abilities, our opponent’s abilities, and the success rate to make the choice in a split second. This is, actually, a great depiction of our current life, it is a practice for making important decisions in life. Tennis is not just a sport that keeps our body healthy, but a strategic game, a life lesson learned in a modified situation with the taste of winning and losing.